We are big fire people, not creepy, let's start a fire in the forest people, but let's get a fire going in the fireplace, or out on the patio type people. We believe the fireplace is the soul of the home. If it is rolling, there is activity, company, warmth, responsibility, accountability cause, it only generates heat based on the level of care you give it. Lazy people go cold, resilient, self-starters stay warm. 

With so many places around the globe starting to label wood as the evil agent of climate change, propane & natural gas have become the substitutes. Recently, as we sat around a firepit looking at flame come through a bunch of rocks... we began to imagine steel logs and elements that look like nature. Elements you'd toss on a fire if you were out camping. They would be so much more inviting and magical, than rocks.... plus, being made out of steel, they would retain heat and quite possibly emanate more of the heat to surrounding environs, versus shooting straight up into the air. 

So, this is what we've come up with pine cones, needles, twigs, logs and a host of other items to place on your firepit. The ambience, the home decor,  of these pine cones, as well as all our other items, is incredible, and once they begin to patina with rust, they will look even more amazing. Added decor? Oh yeah. And people won't just sit there, they will talk about your cones, you can sit-back and soak in the compliments of having had the good taste to add these to your fire pit. 

Let's go... add a few to your firepit and you will be hooked for life.